Monday, September 7, 2009

The experience


So it’s Monday – the first day of the first week of the newer and improved me.

I sat down to pray and read and I’ve thought about how often I’ve done this and remembered standing on the pier in San Fran.

I suppose it would be good to read a book about San Francisco. About the unique architecture, unparalleled topography, weather or culture or whatever. It could even be one of those huge offe table books – you know, the ones that don’t fit in your bookshelves but you really don’t want said book sitting out all the time because your living room is not the waiting area t the salon. They have huge pictures and great information – it might even be shaped like the Bay Bridge. All very well and good.

Except it’s not really experiencing anything besides a book. No book could adequately describe the sensation of standing out on that pier. To have the wind rip through your hair all while taking in scene after scene of amazing views.

And I thought I wanted to experience God in that way. I was tired of just reading and talking about Him, I need to feel the sensation of being where He is. I don’t care if it’s burning bush or still small voice or whatever.

I decided it was best to let him decide. I just told him that I wanted to experience Him that way.

I was reading in Psalms today and it was talking about not paying too much attention when the wicked prosper and about how the writer had never seen the righteous forsaken. I thought about the Nazis and the Jews. I thought about those who are struggling so much now. I thought about those who are close to losing homes they’ve lived in for decades. In one passage, it said that we had to trust God. That’s not easy for me – I hardly trust myself.

God, help us who have a hard time seeing you to experience your wind in our face and your light in our eyes while we face the turmoil that surrounds us. Help us to remember to trust you.

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